Thirteen to Thirteen: 30 Days of Blogging

Okay, I've decided something. Whoa, hold on to your chairs, this is different: I made a decision! Omg.
I'm tired of ignoring my blog. I started it for a reason and wanted to do something with it, and then I keep thinking about it and talking about it with my wife, but I never do anything.
So today, in the shower, I made a decision.
(I find I think about a lot of interesting things in the shower. Stephen King mentions stuff about that a few times himself; he likens it to the environment in the womb - filtered light, constant noise, warm, moist heat, and solitude most of the time. I find that a bit more than half of my showers are taken with a cute toddler these days, but it still feels pretty solitary.)
I'm going to force myself to blog every day, at least once, for the next month. Thirty days, at least thirty blog posts. It's not like I don't have enough to post about - I can think of at least five blog posts just here sitting mostly formed in my head right now that I just haven't taken the time to post yet. Talking about KFC and Talyana's, making wish lists and rambling about not only plots but systems for role playing games and pointing out things that I think are cool online and talking about why. Mind you, I'm not really doing this because I think other people will be interested. I hope they will, because it'd be cool to get some feedback finally and have people actually read what I write (though not necessarially in that order...), but that's not why I'm doing it. I'm doing it because I want to.
So that's it! I think now, because not only do I think most people don't know I have a blog but would believe that I would never get one - as I think I've claimed at least once before, I'm going to make some sort of post about this on Facebook. And hey, maybe I'll challenge others to do so, too! Start a blog (Heck, it's free here on Google) and post something every day. Sure, there's no post limit, it doesn't have to be so many lines to be considered a post, I'm not going to be anal like that (though it is tempting...) but just make a reasonable post, get a whole idea out, once a day for thirty days. Until 5/13.


Keledae said...

sweet! sounds like a cool challenge. I accept. ;)

Crunchy Mama said...

Challenge taken, babe. <3